
I Am Poem

I am an achiever and a learner

I wonder if I will ever be that person I dream about.

I hear the sound of people cheering me on as I come one step closer to reaching my dreams.

I see the sight of a crowd telling me to keep doing what I love.

I want to learn and see the techniques from a food network star how to get better and be perfect at something.

I am an achiever and a learner.



I pretend to fit in and be perfect.

I feel the courageousness of the people around me.

I touch the sky and sun as I come one step further in life.

I know that I will never be normal.

I cry when I never know if my dreams will come crashing down on me.

I am an achiever and a learner.



I understand that even though I’m not good at something that means I should try harder.

I say that I will be something special but I never believe in myself.

I dream that I will be an expert at cooking and teach other kids like me how to be better.

I try my hardest at everything but sometimes it doesn’t work on the first try.

I hope that I will have a successful life and achieve my dreams.

I am an achiever and a learner.