
Simile- A comparison of two unlike things using the words “like”, “as”, or “than”.

1.       The flower was as bright and colorful as the hot pink nail polish

 On the girls nails.

       2.    They saw that the water current was as calm as wind chimes making music in the wind.

       3.     That girl’s hair was like the blaring bright sun.



Metaphor- A comparison of two unlike things or ideas without using the words like, as, or than.

1.  The flower is the bright rays from the sun beaming down on earth.

2.   Wind was the music of natures sound.

3.   I realized the night sky was the road to peace.




 Hyperbole- An obvious OVER (extreme) exaggeration comparing two things. (Similar to a metaphor and simile.)


1.  My mom told me to stop tantalizing my brother a million times.

2.  Teen girls rooms most of the time look like a pig sty.

3.   The hersey king  size chocolate bar is bigger than the White House.



Alliteration- The repletion of the same SOUND or at least 3 times.


1.  Do defiant daffodils dance away into the dazzling sunset?

2.   More mournful mice tip toe away into the morning sun.

3.   Beautiful elephants eliminated the amazing eatery to avoid getting stomach achs.



Personification- Giving human forms, characteristics or qualities to an animal, object or idea. A “lifeless” thing or quality is spoken of as alive


1. The thunder clapped as the clouds flashed with energy and anger.

2.  Traffic lights waved up and down as the wind powerfully blows through the sky.

3. When the waves ran with peace and calmness up onto the sea shore with a beamingful coolness on the hot summer day.




Onomatopoeia-a word or a grouping of words that imitates a sound.


1. I was driving home at night as the snow shimmers in the moonlight as it made a ticking sound on the top of my car.

2. We went outside and the wind blew so hard that the trees kept making a crackling croak.

3. Chips make a crunch, crunch, crunch when you are eating quietly at lunch.